Global Transformation Festivals


(Melbourne Timings 9am to 4pm)
Time Function Topic
09 am - 10 am INAUGURATION Welcome Message by the First People
Unity Tune by Divine Peace Band
World Parliament on Spirituality - an Outline by Dr Yugandhar GR
Inaugural Address by Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha
Theme Song by Maa Tejomayidevi

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Open House & Valediction at 12.40pm onwards
Announcements of Councils and Future Activities in 2021 and thereafter
The events for 2021- Announceements of dates

Europe-Event Schedule

Time Function Topic
09 am - 10 am INAUGURATION Welcome Message by the First People
Unity Tune by Divine Peace Band
World Parliament on Spirituality - An Outline by Dr Yugandhar GR
Inaugural Address Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha
Theme Song by Maa Tejomayeedevi

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Open House & Valediction at 1 pm onwards
Announcements of Councils and Future Activities in 2021 and thereafter
The events for 2021- Announceements of dates

South America-Event Schedule

Time Function Topic
09 am - 10 am INAUGURATION Welcome Message by the First People
Unity Tune by Divine Peace Band
World Parliament on Spirituality - An Outline by Dr Yugandhar GR
Inaugural Address Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha
European Council Address by Jacqueline Maria Longstaff

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Open House & Valediction at 1 pm onwards
Announcements of Councils and Future Activities in 2021 and thereafter
THE WORLD UNITED – South America
THE WORLD UNITED - Brasil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Argentina
The events for 2021- Announceements of dates

North America-Event Schedule

Time Function Topic
09 am - 10 am INAUGURATION
Unity Tune by Divine Peace Band
World Parliament on Spirituality - An Outline by Dr Yugandhar GR
Inaugural Address Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha
North American Council Address by Harrison Klein

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Sessions of the Speakers

Open House & Valediction at 1 pm onwards
Announcements of Councils and Future Activities in 2021 and thereafter
THE WORLD UNITED – North America
The events for 2021- Announceements of dates

Africa-Event Schedule

Asia-Event Schedule