Global Transformation Festivals

Global Council

Organized by
THE WORLD UNITED is a non-profit Foundation which serves as the Spiritual binding force that connects all the Spiritual seekers, Inspirational Leaders, Motivators, Trainers of the Body, Mind & Soul and the Spiritual groups working across the planet as a part of the on-going Global Spiritual Transformation process. To learn more about the TWU, please visit
Global Council of THE WORLD UNITED
Learning the time- tested principles of Peace, Joy and Healing aspects of the Spiritual Science and also establishing Spirituality as a base for all the transformational sciences and arts including Health, Education, Business & Management, Good-Governance, Environment, all Arts & Culture and so on.
  • 1st WORLD PARLIAMENT ON SPIRITUALITY initiated and organized by THE WORLD UNITED with 208 presentations | 60 Plenaries | 2800 participants | 25 spirituo-cultural activities | 20 panel discussions | 56 nation participation. 42 million people participated on the universal meditation hour on 21st Dec 2012 across the world. People from 165 countries watched the program online.
  • The 2nd WORLD PARLIAMENT ON SPIRITUALITY was conducted on 17-21 Dec 2016 with the main aim of converging the collective wisdom of diverse spiritual schools of thought across the world. The objective is to create and sustain a world of Peace & Harmony thru Spiritual Awakening.
Purpose and Aim
  • The prime aim of this Event is to explore the underlying commonalities in a multitude of spiritual and holistic diversities.
  • To make a strong and lasting impression of new age holistic and spiritual concepts & practices by inviting leaders of different origins, paths and fragrances on to a common platform
  • To awaken the masses from psychological & spiritual slumber
  • To reinforce the inner-faith unity and highlight the positive and secular side of Holistic Spiritual Sciences
  • To spread the concepts of inner transformation, synergistic living, peace & harmony
  • To guide the common man to choose his path by presenting an open and wide mile of various paths of spirituality
  • To help a common man to understand various paths of positive thinking & well being and to give him the ability to select what suits him best in just seven days
Hubert Hirthe
Benefits to the Participants
  • Methods to free oneself from stress and bondage
  • Inspiration & motivation for the inner and outer success
  • Realization of one’s hidden potential and it’s working tools
  • Value of emotional & spiritual quotient
  • Clarity about various holistic, spiritual paths & insights in just 7 days
  • Maximization of one’s social & spiritual responsibility
  • Exposure to the teachings of various masters in the fields of Spirituality, Self-Transformation, Wellness etc
  • Most importantly to establish a permanent attitude of Global Spiritual Transformation

THE WORLD UNITED was started in Dec 2007 with the central idea creating a platform for various spiritual leaders hailing from different schools of thought. The first National Conference on Spiritual Science boasted the presence of eminent and internationally acclaimed people from all over the world. The Chairman of THE WORLD UNITED is Mr D R Karthikeyan, who is a Former CBI Director and former Director General of National Human Rights Commission. Janet Attwood who is the co-founder of the #1 online transformational magazine in the world, Healthy Wealthy n Wise, serves as the President of this foundation. The Secretary is Dr. Yugandhar G. R. who is a General Surgeon & a Spiritual Teacher.

THE WORLD UNITED is not governed by a single individual or a particular organized philosophy. The aim of THE WORLD UNITED is to facilitate the unfolding of positive transformation by bringing together world renowned transformational leaders, scientists, philosophers, educators, etc. Conferences and symposiums are arranged around the world where people from all walks of life can convene to learn, participate and take action for the betterment of our planet.

THE WORLD UNITED has been evolving in the past 2 years catering to the spiritual needs of the people by way of organizing 3 National Conferences, 3 International Conferences , many workshops and symposiums etc. It has taken up the grand task of 1st World Parliament on Spirituality with the main goal of showcasing vast number of spiritual schools of thought and demonstrating to the masses how similar they all are in their teachings and philosophies.

Till date what has been done

Since Dec 2007, THE WORLD UNITED is emerging as a connecting medium for various spiritual teachers and institutions, doctors & healers who are practicing various modalities of treatment, many trainers related to body-mind and spirit, at a regional, national and also international arenas under the able guidance of Shri Kaarthikeyan and Janet Attwood. Various Enlightened Summits are conducted in places like Tiruvannamalai, Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi etc and many are coming up across the country. Apart from that various CMSE’s ( Continued Medico-Spiritual Education ) programmes have been conducted across the country and one is coming up in Duke’s University, USA. TWU is also focusing to make spirituality as a base in fields like Business & Management, Education, Leadership, Good Governance, Environment, Bio-Diversity etc . by way of creating various symposiums.

TWU Global Wisdom Centre

The above is coming up in the outskirts of the city of Hyderabad which will be a hub of various spiritual and holistic health conventions apart from serving the deserved people in the fields of health, education, spirituality, business & management and environment where spiritual science will be spread to the best extent possible. A world class meditation centre and units for various holistic remedies and an arbatrarium are coming up at this centre,

  • To see a New World free from disease and suffering
  • To reduce the frictions existing between various Individuals, Groups and Nations
  • To establish a 100 member Global Spiritual Leadership Council which will conduct similar World Parliaments once in every 4 years in some or other country

Join hands for this urgent global task

Being an associate/partner of this highly educative and enlightening event would be very much

soul-satisfying and also a most valuable and respectable contribution to the people of the world at large

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +91 99086 52789
If not we, who ?
If not now, when ?