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Be a Member Of Parliament

What is the vision for Member Of Parliament of WPS?
Why is a Parliament required?

For Global Spiritual Awakening, a large number of spiritual beings are required from a regional level to a global level to awaken humankind from spiritual slumber. The Parliament is like a spiritual friendship circle meeting with this shared purpose, to raise the conscious level of awareness.

Aim of Parliaments of WPS

To help Awaken Unconditional Unity Consciousness in humankind.

How can this be achieved?

Convergence of energy of several spiritual beings all over the world who can take up leadership in the areas of their expertise from the dimension of inner awakening.

Who can be a Parliament Member?

Anyone who feels that inner calling to connect in a spiritual friendship circle, who is ready to contribute quality time of 10 min per day on an average to fulfil the aims of a united world.

Does being a Member of Parliament interfere with my daily routine?

Member Of Parliament assists you to achieve your potential, fulfil your higher purpose. This helps others to take the path within and move in unison for the fulfilment of personal and humankind’s objectives: truth, love and harmony.

If we all are doing this already, why is a Global Council for Unity Consciousness needed?

For many years, many individual activities have been held locally to raise consciousness.

The world is now ready for collective activity, to bring about a mass awakening of unity consciousness for our world population of 7.8 billion people (and counting). To impact the world for a positive transformation, collective efforts are now far more significant than individual efforts.

Hence all our individual and scattered activities and thoughts need to be aligned with collective consciousness in order to achieve global peace and harmony.

For building unity rather than uniformity, an organized movement of awakened individuals, rather than an organization, seems to be essential.

Hubert Hirthe

The Unity Consciousness Movement is the name of Future Civilisation on this planet

If Not Now - When???

If Not Us - Who???

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